Friday, October 24, 2014

Wasn't expecting this quite yet...

We are at the hsopital again. We got here yesterday (thrusday) at 5am. Jared had a fever and was in a lot of pain. He was sick enough that they admitted him. He's got an infection in his belly again, his blood pressure keeps dropping, he is dehydrated, and his hematocrit has been really low. He has received 3 units of blood so far. Yesterday his MELD score came back at 31 which is great, but the Dr. said 35 would be better. Jared has blood type O which is in high demand so unfortunately that makes his wait time longer.

So... This morning the Dr. came in and said his MELD jumped up to 40!!! I think we were all pretty shocked to hear that. I wasn't expecting this quit yet... they say he could receive offers for a new liver this weekend. There are a lot of factors though, they have to make sure the organ is a good match, fit and healthy, so it could be 1 to 2 weeks before he get his transplant. His kidneys are shutting down, that is what spiked his MELD.  They are doing dialysis for his angry kidneys :) and working to get him stable enough for surgery. Pretty sure he/we won't be going home anytime soon...

Its crazy his MELD jumped 14 points in two days.
I'll try to keep updating when I can.

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